Francisco Antonio has established a reputation as one of the finest concert solo flamenco guitarists in the UK and has performed extensively throughout the country.His recital work - in which he plays his own compositions within strict flamenco frameworks - demonstrates the unique harmonic and technical approach required in the mastery and performance of what is one of the most expressive, exciting and evocative musical instruments - The Flamenco Guitar.Tonight he will play a selection of flamenco styles including Soleá, Taranta, Bulería, Granaina etc. and will be accompanied for part of the recital by Eduardo Morán.
'Francisco combines a purist's understanding of the musical, social and cultural traditions and 'grammar' of flamenco with the ability to use this knowledge for new directions in his own compositions - herein lies the essential skill of simultaneously maintaining and developing such a vital art form. ~ Chris Kilvington.
'Francisco has successfully managed to revitalize the toques introducing many fresh and exciting ideas whilst also demonstrating a great deal of respect and knowledge of flamenco's rich heritage.' ~ Guitar International.