I started playing guitar twenty years ago, and have hardly put it down since. I've been teaching for the past ten years, and it gives me enormous pleasure to see my students thrive.Having spent many years studying many of the standards by Barrios, Tarrega, Albeniz and Villa-Lobos I decided that it was time for me to put something back for the guitar repertoire, so I took up composition. It is my aim to create many hours of interesting new music for solo guitar, and hopefully my music will be played by those future guitar players who want something modern and colourful to play.
I am very much inspired by nature, so most of my work to date reflects this in title and sound.I have a growing following on the Internet site YouTube where I've been posting my compositions, I've found that my music appeals to young and old, and isn't exclusive to those who play classical guitar.
Op. 9, Twelve Months in Britain
Op. 11, Sea Creatures
Op. 8, Trees
Op. 10, Studies