Three of the UK’s most outstanding Spanish Guitarists; Roland Chadwick, Vincent Lindsey-Clark and Roland Gallery joined forces in 2001 to form the Modern Guitar Trio. 5 years later and an impressive number of live performances under their belts they have released their new self-titled CD this year to huge critical acclaim. The CD uniquely features compositions by all three members; Roland Chadwick’s beautiful and highly emotive The Wendy House, Vincent Lindsay-Clarks epic Sonata Melodica, and Roland Gallery’s wonderfully melodic 2 Fusion Pieces.
Asked about the origins of the Modern Guitar Trio Roland Chadwick said; “In 2000 I needed a couple of guitarists for the recording of my guitar trio, "Letter From LA". I’d met Roland Gallery and as he lives just 2 blocks away from me in Ealing, is the same age and has the same first name with the same spelling - well, he had to be the man! He recommended Vincent Lindsey-Clark who turned out to be a bit good. Once the CD was released it seemed a good idea to get Roland and Vincent to do the odd concert here and there. Eventually we needed more material and I arranged Three Kisses for Jenny from my CD, The Revealing and Vincent mentioned that he'd written a piece called Cymmetry and Roland G produced 2 jazz fusion pieces. By this point we were being asked to do full concerts and so with the addition of a solo each we had a full program. It was only later that we realised that we had formed an actual trio and that something special was happening regarding the program we were currently playing and the future direction that a trio of guitarist/composers might take. There are quite a few guitar ensembles that have a resident composer but to have all three of us being composers struck us as being something quite unusual.”